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In this new season, N8 rides an electric dirt bike, we go check out a green building, we stress test a coral in a lab, talk to a company that makes fashion out of old basketballs, and we learn what it means to invest in renewable energy.Welcome to Waste Not Why Not, a climate podcast from Ghost Island Media. Debuted on Earth Day in 2019, it's hosted by Nature N8 (Nate Maynard), a sustainability consultant working on energy, ocean and waste.Recognized by SITRA Fund as a circular economy solution (2021).
Media Partner of AAAS Annual Meetings (2020, 2021).
This season, we're onto green buildings, electric vehicles, coral, renewable energy investments, and the circular economy.
Vivian Loftness, former head of the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, National Board of the US. Green Buildings Council.
Azizi Tucker, co-founder of XING Mobility and founder of e-bike maker Graft EV.
Mark Oei, founding managing partner at Redwood Coast Capital and adjunct lecturer at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.
Shashank Keshavmurthy, post-doc researcher at Academia Sinica’s Biodiversity Research Center in Taiwan.
Angela Fang, Roy Huang, co-founders of Taiwan's upcycling startup Double Dribble.
Aining Ouyang, COO of circular economy consultancy REnato lab.

鬼島之音(Ghost Island Media)元老級的英文 PODCAST ——《Waste Not Why Not》以詼諧逗趣的風格包裝全球環境議題,並透過專家訪談、田野採訪、及新聞動態與評論,提升聽眾對永續發展的想像與知識。
與「美國在台協會」AIT 攜手合作
世界共有 134 個國家已宣布「淨零排放」,其中,美國與台灣政府也打造了實現 2050 年淨零排放的藍圖。節能減碳不只是能延長地球的未來,更能提升人類的生活品質,永續之路須有跨界的參與,需要政府、企業、及大眾一同實現跨產業及跨世代合作,起身落實於家園、工作以及生活中。今年五月,鬼島之音及AIT送上斬新的迷你系列,眼於五種主圖:綠色建築、電動越野車、珊瑚礁海洋生態、再生能源投資、與循環經濟,他們跳脫舊有思維,賦予產業新生命。
Vivian Loftness - 前卡內基美隆大學建築學院院長、美國綠色建築委員會董事
Azizi Tucker - 台灣行競科技共同創辦人、Graft EV 創辦人
Mark Oei - 美國 Redwood Coast Capital 資本創辦人、西北大學凱洛格管理學院講師
Shashank Keshavmurthy - 台灣中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心博士後研究生
方瑞彣、黃唯彧 - 台灣新創二次運球 Double Dribble 共同創辦人
歐陽藹寧 - 台灣循環經濟公司 REnato Lab 營運長
《Waste Not Why Not》於4月22日世界地球日歡慶 3 歲生日,在開播的三年期間建立了許多的里程碑:連續兩年擔任2020及2021年美國科學促進會(AAAS Annual Meetings)的年會媒體夥伴;於2020年亦受到芬蘭芬蘭創新研究發展基金(Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra)公開表揚節目在廢棄物與循環經濟方面的教育性,以及主持人 Nate Maynard 有趣又不失內容性的敘述風格,讓聽眾得以理解何謂幫助環境的最佳解決方案。
主持人 Nate 又稱為「Nature N8」自然八
節目主持人 Nate Maynard 是一名駐台的環境顧問,長期研究再生能源、海洋生態以及循環經濟最佳實踐等議題,擁有超過六年於公共和私營部門工作經驗,現任香港商銳思碳(RESET Carbon)的高級管理顧問,曾擔任台灣中華經濟研究院 CIER 的研究員,負責 RE100 計劃和政府資助的循環經濟項目;也協助私人公司制定可再生能源採購戰略、促成機構之間的國際合作協議等。節目製作人則由鬼島之音共同創辦人、2020 台灣卓越新聞獎「PODCAST 新聞節目獎」提名製作人吳怡慈(Emily Y. Wu)製作。

鬼島之音(Ghost Island Media)是一個 PODCAST 聲音內容創意品牌,旗下共有十一檔原創節目,內容包含環境、大麻、女力、文化、外交、中國、紀錄片、台灣、時事。自從 2019 年開播以來,鬼島之音的節目已榮獲 2021 KKBOX PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳主持人獎」、入圍 2022 KKBOX PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳新進節目」 、2020 台灣卓越新聞獎 「PODCAST 新聞節目獎」、2021 全球華人永續報導獎。鬼島之音的所有的節目都可以在全球及台灣各大 PODCAST 平台免費收聽。
Ghost Island Media Limited Company © 2022. All rights reserved.
鬼島傳播有限公司 版權所有

the "waste not why not" library
Further reading (and watching! or playing!) as recommended by Waste Not Why Not and its guests.
ARCHITECTURE - "Biophilic Design Initiative" by International Living Future Institute.
NATURE - "BBC Earth" by BBC.
NATURE WRITING - "The Willowherb Review" edited by Jennifer J. Lee.
POLICY - "The lines that shape our cities" by the Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond.
SCIENCE - "Science Journal for Kids and Teens" by Science Journal for Kids. (FOR KIDS!)
NATURE - "Elinor Wonders Why" by Jorge Cham on PBS Kids. (FOR PRE-SCHOOL!)
NATURE - "Planet Earth", "Human Planet", and "The Mating Game" by BBC.
ANIMALS - "Koala Explorer" by Arya. (FOR KIDS!)
SCIENCE - "Brains On" by American Public Media. (FOR KIDS!)
GENERAL INTERESTS - "Wordle" by the New York Times.
OCEAN - "Subnautica" by Charlie Cleveland.
CLIMATE DENIAL - "Don't Look Up" by Adam McKay (2021).
ENERGY - "The Saint" by Phillip Noyce (1996).
WASTE - "Wall-E" by Pixar/Disney (2008). (FOR KIDS!)
ENVIRONMENT - "Blade Runner 2049" by Denis Villeneuve (2017).
ENVIRONMENT - "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" by Hayao Miyazaki (2004). (FOR KIDS!)
ENVIRONMENT - "The Lorax" by Chris Renaud (2012). (FOR KIDS!)
ANIMALS - "Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern" by Chih-de Liang (2021).
ANIMALS - "Eyes of the Orangutan" by Aaron Gekoski (2021).
ANIMALS - "Happy Feet" by George Miller (2006). (FOR KIDS!)
ANIMALS - "The Cove" by Louie Psihoyos (2009).
ANIMALS - "The Elephant Queen" by Deeble & Stone (2018).
ANIMALS - "Bird Without Borders" by Dean Johnson on Taiwan Public TV (2009).
ARCHITECTURE - "Kiss The Ground" by Josh and Rebecca Harrell Tickell (2020).
BIODIVERSITY - "Spirits of Orchid Island" by Nick Upton on Taiwan Public TV (2008).
ENVIRONMENT - "A Life On Our Planet" by Sir David Attenborough (2020).
ENVIRONMENT - "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore (2006).
ENVIRONMENT - "Before The Flood" by National Geographic (2016).
ENVIRONMENT - "The 11th Hour" by Nadia and Leila Conners (2007).
ENVIRONMENT - "The Human Element" by Matthew Testa (2018).
ENVIRONMENT (FUTURISTIC) - "2040 (Movie)" by Damon Gameau (2019).
FISHING - "Artifishal" by Josh Murphy (2019).
LIFESTYLE - "No Impact Man" by Justin Schien, Laura Gabbert (2009).
NATURE - "Typhoon Island" by Nick Upton on Taiwan Public TV (2004).
OCEAN - "A Plastic Ocean" by Craig Leeson (2016).
OCEAN - "Cashing Coral" by Jeff Orlowski (2017).
OCEAN - "Mission Blue (Biography of Sylvia Earle)" by Robert Nixon, Fisher Stevens (2014).
FICTION - "Dune" by Frank Herbert (1965).
FICTION - "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss (1971). (FOR KIDS!)
FICTION - "The Man with the Compound Eyes" by Wu Ming-Yi (2015).
POETRY - "All We Can Save" by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Dr. Katharine Wilkinson (2020).
ACTIVISM - "No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference" by Greta Thumberg (2019).
ARCHITECTURE - "Nature Inside: A Biophilic Design Guide" by William D Browing, Catherine O Ryan (2020). BIODIVERSITY - "Biodiversity" by E. O. Wilson (1998).
ENVIRONMENT - "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need" by Bill Gates (2021).
ENVIRONMENT - "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson (1962).
ENVIRONMENT - "The Uninhabitable Earth" by David Wallace-Wells (2019).
ENVIRONMENT - "The World Without Us" by Alan Weisman (2007).
NATURE - "Design with Nature" by Ian McHarg (1969).
NATURE - "The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain" by Lynne Cherry (1990).(FOR KIDS!)
NATURE - "The Nature of Nature: Why We Need the Wild" by Enrique Salas (2020). ("Listen to our episode.")
NATURE / TAIWAN - "Two Trees Make A Forest" by Jessica J. Lee (2019). ("Listen to our episode.")
OCEAN - "Blue Hope: Exploring and Caring for Earth's Magnificent Ocean" by Sylvia Earle (2014).
OCEAN - "Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World" by Mark Kurlansky (1998).
OCEAN - "Dive!: My Adventure in the Deep Frontier" by Sylvia Earle (1999). (FOR KIDS!)
OCEAN - "Hello, Fish!: Visiting the Coral Reef" by Sylvia Earle (2001). (FOR PRE-SCHOOL - 3!)
OCEAN - "Jump into Science: Coral Reefs" by Sylvia Earle (2003). (FOR PRE-SCHOOL - 3!)
OCEAN - "Sea Critters" by Sylvia Earle (2000). (FOR KIDS!)
WASTE - "Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things" by Michael Braungart (2002).
WASTE - "How to Give Up Plastic: A Concious Guide to Changing the World, One Plastic Bottle at a Time" by Will McCallum (2018).
WASTE - "See Inside Recycling and Rubbish (Pop-Up)" by Alex Frith (Illustration by Peter Allen) (2011). (FOR PRE-SCHOOL!)
Waste Not why not
the podcast
Waste Not Why Not is a climate podcast from Ghost Island Media. Debuted on Earth Day in 2019, it's hosted by Nature N8 (Nate Maynard), a sustainability consultant working on energy, ocean and waste.
from Ghost Island Media
Produced by Ghost Island Media, a multilingual podcast network based in Taipei, Taiwan with current affairs programs in Mandarin, English, and French. Shows range from climate, cannabis, gender, culture, diplomacy, China, documentaries, Taiwan, and politics.
鬼島之音(Ghost Island Media)是一個 PODCAST 聲音內容創意品牌,旗下共有十一檔原創節目,內容包含環境、大麻、女力、文化、外交、中國、紀錄片、台灣、時事。自從 2019 年開播以來,鬼島之音的節目已榮獲 2021 KKBOX PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳主持人獎」、入圍 2022 KKBOX PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳新進節目」 、2020 台灣卓越新聞獎 「PODCAST 新聞節目獎」、2021 全球華人永續報導獎。鬼島之音的所有的節目都可以在全球及台灣各大 PODCAST 平台免費收聽。
Ghost Island Media Limited Company © 2022. All rights reserved.
鬼島傳播有限公司 版權所有